Are you dreaming of a vegan strawberry shortcake recipe? This one has the most incredible tender crumb, is perfectly balanced, and sings of summer....
These soft and fluffy gluten-free blueberry muffins are perfect for all my gluten-free, vegan baking buddies. They’re egg and dairy-free too! You won’t believe...
I love these crispy tofu bites! They are one of my absolute favorite toppings for a bright stir fry or summer salad. These bites...
This under 30 minute vegetable stir-fry is a texture and flavor sensation. I love how simple it is to put together and that you...
Here’s the perfect strawberry sorbet recipe to try this summer. It’s light and refreshing and will cool you right down in the warm weather....
These delicious soft vegan pretzels are the perfect treat or accompaniment to a hearty soup – try them with my dreamy vegan potato kale...