These festive cranberry crostini can be made with a handful of simple seasonal ingredients. Bright red and super cheery, they taste as wonderful as...
Looking for deliciously spiced holiday cut out gingerbread cookies? This gingerbread cookie recipe is so simple and fun to make. I hope you enjoy...
This 5-minute pomegranate drink recipe will be a hit at your next party. You will love it’s refreshing flavor and how simple it is...
This 5 minute vegan nacho cheese sauce recipe was gifted to me by good friends in West Virginia. It’s quick, easy, and an all-purpose...
Hot apple cider has to be one of the coziest, most nostalgic drinks. Fragrant, comforting, and delicious, here is my personal favorite recipe that...
This flavorful, comforting, vegetarian chili recipe will warm you from the inside out. A perfectly seasoned, hearty chili for the time of year when...